Although I am a genuine Dutch Girl at heart, I’ve always had a thing for flamenco. Not dancing, because I feel I certainly wouldn’t make anyone happy with that, but because I enjoy crocheting in flamenco-style! I’ve been crocheting Spanish dancers for bags, garlands, necklaces and egg cozies ever since my daughter, who is now 25 years old, was little.

You may also have noticed these Flamenco egg cozies in my book Live, Create, Crochet, where they are displayed in a photo of my friend Debbie’s cozy, relaxed kitchen in the Spanish B&B ‘123ole’. Last week I decided to crochet some more of them and to write out the pattern which I’d now like to share with you, my loyal customers.

I realize I wouldn’t be able to do my job without you. I’d therefore love to express my gratitude and hope that crocheting these Spanish ladies makes you as happy as they did me!
You can find the free pattern here.